This newsletter will have no fun anecdotes, no trip down memory lane, and no storytime.
I am using this platform to share this with you because my Instagram has been shadow-banned and because I know you are a kind, receptive audience. I won’t hold you to it if your views do not match with mine and you would rather unsubscribe. I will understand. But if you do agree with me, please share this on further. Just this once. Thank you!
This week’s newsletter is for Palestine.
You know why? I have spent the last few days trying to convince people that nothing can ever justify genocide. I am sure you have been too. We have been going around in circles. We have been talking about the same arguments. We have been circumventing the same whataboutism, the same tired argument about why a certain “country” has the right to wreak havoc on the indigenous people whose land they have settled on.
I am sorry if you believe that both of these sides are equal.
There is a right side, and there is a wrong side. There is an aggressor, and there is a victim. There is a colonial power and there are the indigenous people whose land, livelihood, and humanity have been compromised for almost a quarter of a century. And if you are going to side with the mega-powerful settler colonial state and their war crimes and acts of violence, you will most definitely be in the wrong of history.
Here are some resources, please start educating, mobilizing and contributing.
Books to read
Here’s a more comprehensive list:
Accounts to follow:
(I am unable to add the actual post here because I get a pop-up every time saying that the post doesn’t exist. So, please click these links and go follow the accounts)
I can’t go to sleep in my warm bed, with a fridge full of food, an uninterrupted power supply and running water knowing that millions of Gaza residents count their hours in terror and exasperation. So, please do your tiny bits – for the people, for humanity.
Until next time, doing our collective best to stop genocide,
Sanj for 🇵🇸
What's happening in Gaza is abhorrent. From all accounts, most of the residents are children, and shutting down electricity, water, and other basic necessities can never be justified. Never.