Why a Newsletter?

Primarily, I have a lot of opinions. And I am really tired of posting them on my Instagram stories. But I have 3 more selfish reasons, namely -

  1. There are always random thoughts that crowd around in my head. Some of them are pretty interesting and I want to share them with others.

  2. I think you will like it.

  3. I am looking for validation, that’s the real reason.

Why subscribe?

You will get a specially crafted newsletter with only the gold standard of thoughts from my head.

And a pretty cool playlist.

All you have to do is click on the Subscribe button!

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Join the crew

Do you want to collab? Are you a creative who wants to work with another creative and create something that’s creative? Hit me up at sanjeeta.saha46@gmail.com.

Subscribe to Rest My Opinion

Your near-weekly dose of curated observations around being in our thirties and its unique adventures.


copywriter in the streets, writer in the sheets. 🚨